
I have been skipping meals everyday since February
I don't want it I don't want it I don't want it I hate it
But not as much as I hate myself oh give me a break
And I hate the overdone tropes like when the emo bands
Start the song with the slow guitar and the spoken word intro
Talking 'bout how bad things been with their mental oh give me a break
And it gets me to start to think here we go again

Does it make this song all just disingenuine does it make the pain I felt
Somehow cheapened does it make me just another a fraud a poser bitch
Should I just stop

I'm sick of this shit car seen the mileage on a hearse?
I'm sick of always being cold I hear its warm and cozy in the dirt
I read somewhere you lose 21 grams when you croak
And it got me thinking about

Come have at me
Maggots all embalmed nice and neat
Can't wait for my first day of self digestion
Come have at me oh me oh little old me

I'm glad that cadavers can float
Cause I just capsized the boat
I'm glad that cadavers can float
Cause I just capsized
My back broke I couldn't handle the load
I hope cadavers can float
My back broke I couldn't handle the load
And you can write on my tombstone
She never learned to cope

Writer(s): Benjamin Piper
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
