Safe Place Here

Nervousness fumbles out of your lips as honesty
You've never opened yourself up like this before
You're regretting accepting the invitation to sing

I know the feeling
It feels like all the eyes of the world are on you
But if you close your eyes
You are back in the safety of your bedroom
Unbeknownst to you, people are listening
To you in ways you never knew
People could be listening to you
And as you open your eyes
You feel something is different in the venue

'Cause In that moment, that moment
The walls were broken down
And in the gaping hole that's left
Anxiety has shown itself out

Your words may not move mountains
But they have moved some people to tears
And in the darkness, after you finish, you whisper to me
"I see sad songs have a safe place here"

There's dancing and singing
And somewhere a table has been thrown
But nowhere in the world
Have I felt less alone
We're alive! I'm alive!
I forget how good it feels sometimes
I've never felt closer to flying
Than at a punk rock show

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