The Window

We're gonna try something a little different with this song
I want you to get comfortable
You might sit up
You might lay down
We're gonna do a meditation
Just focus on your breathing
Don't worry about the beat of the song
Just take a breath
And hold it
Until the next section of the song
And while you're holding your breath
Let all your feelings of sadness and anger release with this next breath out

It's a mad world we live in
And we're seen as the mad ones
For being artistic and outraged and expressing it
We're just gonna do a meditation
To calm our minds in the insanity of Earth life
A planet born so beautiful and torn apart by those who rule over us
And it might be stressful to a lot of you
It certainly bothers me
And that's why meditation is such an essential component of mental health
To quiet the mind and relax
Deep breath in
Hold it
And let the drum beat slow time down for you
You may hold it longer
And release

As you take these breaths, imagine the Earth nourishing you
Your environment, simulation, whatever it may be
It's nourishing you in this physical body
In this presentation we call life on Earth
And we should just try to be grateful for how beautiful nature is
Because it's not their fault
We think we're above nature
Yet, we came from nature
Nature is a conscious entity that controls the entire planet
Each bug, insect, on the planet serves a purpose
Just like the music of The Bug serves a purpose

Writer(s): Gary Wilson
Lyrics powered by
