Dance Freeze
Let's play the freeze game
Now remember when I say freeze, freeze
Then when I say say dance, dance
Dancing, dancing, dancing
Joy and fun enhancing
Dance, my friends, and now say cheese
Don't move when I shout freeze
Now everybody get ready to hop
Hoping, hoping, hoping
Even when you're shopping
Hop, my friends, and now say cheese
Don't move when I shout freeze
Everybody get ready to run
Running, running, running
Laughing when it's funny
Run, my friends, and now say cheese
Don't move when I shout freeze
Everybody get ready to sing
Singing, singing, singing
Even when you're cleaning
Sing, my friends, and now say cheese
Don't move when I shout freeze
Everybody get ready to clap
Clapping, clapping, clapping
Always when you are happy
Clap, my friends, and now say cheese
Don't move when I shout freeze
Everybody get ready to shake
Shaking, shaking, shaking
Even when you're baking
Shake, my friends, and now say cheese
Don't move when I shout freeze
Everybody get ready to swim
Swimming, swimming, swimming
Even when you're dreaming
Swim, my friends, and now say cheese
Don't move when I shout freeze
Everybody get ready to skip
Skipping, skipping, skipping
It's fun, no kicking
Skip, my friends, and now say cheese
Don't move when I shout freeze
Everybody get ready to wiggle
Wiggling, wiggling, wiggling
Even when you are giggling
Wiggle, my friends, and now say cheese
Don't move when I shout freeze
Everybody get ready to swing
Swinging, swinging, swinging
Even when you're singing
Swing, my friends, and now say cheese
Don't move when I shout freeze
Now remember when I say freeze, freeze
Then when I say say dance, dance
Dancing, dancing, dancing
Joy and fun enhancing
Dance, my friends, and now say cheese
Don't move when I shout freeze
Now everybody get ready to hop
Hoping, hoping, hoping
Even when you're shopping
Hop, my friends, and now say cheese
Don't move when I shout freeze
Everybody get ready to run
Running, running, running
Laughing when it's funny
Run, my friends, and now say cheese
Don't move when I shout freeze
Everybody get ready to sing
Singing, singing, singing
Even when you're cleaning
Sing, my friends, and now say cheese
Don't move when I shout freeze
Everybody get ready to clap
Clapping, clapping, clapping
Always when you are happy
Clap, my friends, and now say cheese
Don't move when I shout freeze
Everybody get ready to shake
Shaking, shaking, shaking
Even when you're baking
Shake, my friends, and now say cheese
Don't move when I shout freeze
Everybody get ready to swim
Swimming, swimming, swimming
Even when you're dreaming
Swim, my friends, and now say cheese
Don't move when I shout freeze
Everybody get ready to skip
Skipping, skipping, skipping
It's fun, no kicking
Skip, my friends, and now say cheese
Don't move when I shout freeze
Everybody get ready to wiggle
Wiggling, wiggling, wiggling
Even when you are giggling
Wiggle, my friends, and now say cheese
Don't move when I shout freeze
Everybody get ready to swing
Swinging, swinging, swinging
Even when you're singing
Swing, my friends, and now say cheese
Don't move when I shout freeze
Writer(s): Dorina Lipovanciuc
Lyrics powered by
Altri album
- Thanksgiving Songs for Kids
- Hunt Songs Collection: Brain Breaks for Kids
- We're Going on a Mermaid Hunt - Single
- Children's Favorite Nursery Rhymes and Sing-Alongs
- Numbers & Phonics ABC & Counting Songs for Kids
- Moonlight Lullabies: Soothing Nighttime Melodies for Babies & Kids
- Humming to Sleep
- Happy Hits for Kids
- Bunny Beats: Easter Songs for Kids
- Ice Cream Time
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