The Devil's Forge

Black over black
Attentive predator
Hellfire blows
Dismantling the corrupt
Rub you with superior sperm
Absorb my strength
Absorb my strength

Brutality is welcomed
A whole war diabolic machine
Is displayed

Rub you with superior sperm
Absorb my strength
Absorb my strength

Bleed on your grace
Rotten swine stinking
Surrender all your prostitute purity
Feed the devil's forge

Bleed on your grace
Rotten swine stinking
Surrender all your prostitute purity
Feed the devil's forge

We fornicate the corpses of weakness
We march upright and fearless
We triumph over the shrunken

Black over black
Attentive predator
Hellfire blows
Dismantling the corrupt

Hellish fire.absorve my strength!
Hellish fire.absorve my strength!
Hellish fire.absorve my strength!
Hellish fire.absorve my strength!
Hellish fire.absorve my strength!

A new form of strength.!

Hellish fire.absorve my strength!
Hellish fire.absorve my strength!

A new form of strength.!

Hellish fire.absorve my strength!
Hellish fire.absorve my strength!

A new form of strength.!

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