Nous avons eu de belles années

I told the nurse to give this to you
After I'm gone
That means that
As you read this
I'm already dead

In my restless dreams
I see that town
You promised me you'd take me there again someday
But you never did
I'm alone there now
In our special place
Waiting for you
Waiting for you to come to see me
But you never do
And so I wait
I think you know what I mean

I know I've done a terrible thing to you
Something you would never forgive me for
I wish I could change that
But I can't
I feel so pathetic and ugly laying here
Waiting for you
Every day I stare up at the cracks in the ceiling
And all I can think about
Is how unfair it all is
I've missed you terribly
I can tell how hard it is on you
I'm sorry about that

I want you to know this James
I'll always love you
Even though our life together had to end like this
I still wouldn't trade it for the world

We had some wonderful years together

Writer(s): Armand Tormo
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