
John, you already know
Niggas came a long way
Let's do this, how we want to do this

Mousika tchabah l a7asisi mehich b3ida 3la moudi taw
Sma3t albumek hani mtaffi dhaw
Mousiket zbaber, dbebez w millionaire w jaw
Tweti ama moch albumi no
Lkolha t7eb twalli tefhem tawa kolha to7kom
Winou zmen errajel yef3al w ta7ana ta7ki
Firen ykhafou mel af3a w el sa7ara kothrou
Wel mounefa9 walla yefti ki el esetdha ra7lou
Dherri sghar lkolna konna dherri sghar
Ama tawa lkolha tghar, dima dhalma ki tekhtar
Commentaire fih 100 phenomène
Ta9ra bech rasek yetnek, mech ki t7el 100 kteb
Touled w tekber ajyel, kifou ble haweya tos3ob w tefragh jyoub
Tetga3mez el neya, tekber lkolha 3assessa
W tmeri te7seb w t3aned
Ma ga3dou ken el bassassa w yzid ykabech bel3ani
Dima n3ani mela akhtani na
Ne9ech fi dherri wena i'm all about the money yess
La tantadherni khali zebi b3id w 7a9i njib
W nfodh nhari nab9a safi w nhani l9rib
Nik om el madhi yes

Win mechit mel dhaght mta3 kol youm
W hedha zmen ki yaghder ma tfi9louch
Ghorba gelou lharba ki tji toul
Wala tog3od tardha li yji khoudh
Ekhtafet el chakhseyet, tbadel el decor
Eli ydewili hasi het nik and do me more
7ajti ken bel peace w yedek enti wel demo
Nekteb fel terikh w galbi medou ki tero

El icharat lkolha tgoli jib flous
N3icha rajel reba7 ra7et beli loul
Bi charaf n7reb felli feya khouf
Ken jarrabna 7aja lbera7 netijetha lyoum nchouf
W khweti li lkol mchou, 3abou la7bouset
Chagou leb7ourat lbarra 7abou 3al Q7
Melli harbou men lycée, charbou lme7na kisen
Zed kebret bel ghalet la7lem chtarha tenset
Nesyenek na3ma w tkamel ma testanna bouset
Miselech taghlet w t3awed 7ata talga recette
Tawa ki tmed w ma te7seb 3adi tokhroj mousel
Dhekrayetek fassakhom w sajjel fi pucet
Te7lem bel tesla w 3adi tonkor fi aslek
7ases rou7ek testehel wel tawa mochkoltek teslek
A7lem kbira w lezemha t3ab w majhoud
Tosbor 3liha taw twalli t3abi fi jyoub

Win mechit mel dhaght mta3 kol youm
W hedha zmen ki yaghder ma tfi9louch
Ghorba gelou lharba ki tji toul
Wala tog3od tardha li yji khoudh
Ekhtafet el chakhseyet, tbadel el decor
Eli ydewili hasi het nik and do me more
7ajti ken bel peace w yedek enti wel demo
Nekteb fel terikh w galbi medou ki tero

Writer(s): Pharrell L. Williams, Chad Hugo, Calvin Cordazor Broadus, C. Wilson, L. Simmons, R. Taylor
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