
Lord, I am thankful
For you love & your grace
Lord, I am thankful
For you love & your grace
Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord
Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord
Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord
Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord
For all you've done for me
Keeping your word, said you'll never leave
Thank you, Lord
Thank you, Lord

The Lord is my shepherd
I shall not want
He makes me to lie down in green pastures
He leads me beside still waters
He restores my soul
He leads me down paths of righteousness for his name's sake
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I will fear no evil, for he is with me
His rod and his staff, they comfort me
He has prepared a table before me
In the presence of my enemies
He anoints my head with oil
My cup runs over
Surely goodness & mercy shall follow me
All of the days of my life and I'll
Dwell in the house of The Lord, forever

Lord, I am thankful
For you love & your grace
Lord, I am thankful
For you love & your grace
Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord
Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord
Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord
Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord
For all you've done for me
Keeping your word, said you'll never leave
Thank you, Lord
Thank you, Lord

I clap my hands, thank God for Jesus
I lift his name up, cause I know that I need him
He sent me on a mission, I obey & complete them
His Ten Commandments
in my heart; I'm a keep them
He said he'll never forsake me, nor will he leave
I look up to the hills, he supplied my every need
He said good things come to those who wait patiently, on him
So you know I'm waiting patiently
I believe

I believe! I believe! I believe
I can do all things, Christ strengthens me
I believe! I believe! I believe
I can do all things through Christ, that strengthens me

As we fellowship today
I want you to think on things that are good
Think on things that have a good rapport
You have to remind yourself
It only takes faith the size of a mustard seed
You have to renew your mind
And that gives you the ability to renew your faith

Lord, I adore you
Lord, I adore you
Lord, I adore you
Lord, I adore you

Lord, I am thankful
For you love & your grace
Lord, I am thankful
For you love & your grace
Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord
Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord
Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord
Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord
For all you've done for me
Keeping your word, said you'll never leave
Thank you, Lord
Thank you, Lord

In the midnight hour
God came to me
And he said my child
I have set you free
I announce it high
And your enemies are low
For I want you to take me everywhere you go
For we walk by faith
For we walk by faith
For we walk by faith
For we walk by faith
And not by sight

I clap my hands, thank God for Jesus
I lift his name up, cause I know that I need him
He sent me on a mission, I obey & complete them
His Ten Commandments
in my heart, I will keep them
He said he'll never forsake me, nor will he leave
I look up to the hills, he supplied my every need
He said good things come to those who wait patiently, on him
So you know I'm waiting patiently
I believe

Writer(s): Brenton Michael Barge, Vincent Clarke, Kalondria Shenal
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