So What

You say fifty marks, I say one hundred marks
A difference of fifty marks
Why should that stand in our way?
As long as the room's to let
The fifty that I'll get
Is fifty more than I had yesterday, ja

When you're as old as I
Is anyone as old as I?
What difference does it make?
An offer comes, you take

For the sun will rise
And the moon will set
And you'll learn how to settle
For what you get
It will all go on if we are here or not
So who cares?
So what?

So who cares?
So what?

When I was a girl
My summers were spent by the sea
So what?
And I had a maid doing all of the housework
Not me
So what!

Now I scrub up the floors
And I wash down the walls
And I empty the chamber pot
If it ended that way
Then it ended that way
And I shrug and I say
So what!

For the sun will rise
And the moon will set
And you'll learn how to settle
For what you will get
It will all go on if we are here or not
So who cares?
So what?

So who cares?
So what?

When I had a man
My figure was dumpy and fat
So what?
Through all of our years
He was so disappointed in that
So what?
Now I've got what he missed
And my figure is trim
But he lies in a churchyard plot
If it wasn't to be
That he ever would see
The uncorseted me
So what?

For the sun will rise
And the moon will set
And you'll learn how to settle
For what you get
It will all go on if we are here or not
So who cares?
So what!

So who cares?
So what!

So once, I was rich
And now all my fortune is gone
So what?
And love disappeared
And only the memory lives on
So what?
If I lived through all that
And I lived through all that!
Fifty marks doesn't mean a lot
If I like that you are here
And I like that you are here
Happy New Year, my dear
So what?

For the sun will rise
And the moon will set
And you'll learn how to settle
For what you get
It will all go on if we are here or not
So who cares?
So what!
So who cares?
So what!

It all goes on
So who cares?
Who cares?
Who cares?
So what!

Writer(s): Miles J. Davis
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