Small Man in a Box

I like that attitude it's just what it is
Oh, how are the levels
They're good, we can turn up the music a little bit
La la la, la la la
Sad small man in a box
La la la, la la la
Sad small man in a box

Oh God, I can't take it
Who's that? Oh look it's Amazon
Got a shiny new thing

Stuck inside like an animal
Feeling so small, infinitesimal
Come to my zoo but don't step in my bars
And please, please wear your mask inside your cars

You might get yourself sick, we don't want that
It's a minor inconvenience you spoiled brat
Don't complain just do as you're told
Be a good consumer of these lies we sold

Oh, your words are too direct
You have no respect
Do you want grandma to die?

Oh, I'm reporting you for that
Sad small man in a box
Oh, I'm going to report you to Reddit right now
Sad small man in a box
You're a Covid idiot

Buy a nice skin so you can dress to impress
In your shitty online game you play with all your fake friends
Level up peasant, this is pay-to-win
Buy your way to the top, next season do it again

Okay go ahead it's great, yeah
Spend all your money on fake real estate
Yeah? Oh

Get your trust fund, let it go to your head
You're so important because of what your dad did
Buy house and rent it to a slave
And let them work and pay until their grave

Brag all about all the books you never read
Watch CNN and parrot what they said
Say what you want as long as it's the same
An echo chamber circle-jerk for fame
So stay alone, eyes glued to the screens
No need for exercise we have vaccines

What did you say are you an anti-vaxxer, what
Sad small man in a box
Oh my God, I don't think we can be friends anymore
I'm going to post this to Twitter
Sad small man in a box

Oh no he didn't get banned, and nobody liked my tweet
Sad small man in a box
Oh no, Fauci didn't respond to my email
He hurt my feelings
Sad small man in a box
I don't want to live anymore

Watch the news live in fear
Wear your mask lose a year
Take your pills stay alone
Have no kids just love your phone

Stay online have no dreams
Dull your mind just buy things
Hate yourself go in debt
Have no wealth just work until death
That's it, I'm going to report you again

Writer(s): Matthew Cox
Lyrics powered by
