REFLECTIONS (feat. BluSkyz)

Taking action in love, raising a banner of justice
Revolutionaries-- voices blast like muskets
Empowered to conquer yet as humble as can be
Rising up out of our couches and rejecting apathy

Seeking change with these words but I must be sincere
And remember that the transformation must begin here
Within me, in my own heart and my own mind
Adopt a new perspective towards my own life

Instead of giving listeners an eloquent speech
I'd rather connect with peoples' hearts and minds with relevant speech
Wish I could say that I had this mindset right from the start
But now I choose my words carefully and write from the heart

I'm constantly hit right in the heart
With this conviction that I'm meant to be a light in the dark
To get up, get out, fight when it's hard
To choose what's right over what's easy. It's not easy, believe me

Until the day I stand before divine presence
I'll grab a hold of today; I see why it's called the "present"
Every day is a gift and a chance to make
The most out of what I've been given; remember to give thanks

And to know my worth for I've been made in God's image
And I'm still being built by Him, I'm not finished
And to know my worth 'cause I've been made in God's image
And I'm still being built by Him, I'm not finished

The challenge is to persevere through unexpected obstacles
To believe in the seemingly impossible
How can I be victorious
If there's absolutely nothing to overcome and the story ends

When all is said and done, what will be said of me
After I breathe my last, will I leave behind a legacy
More than just my grandkids' college tuition
Will they see that grandpa's dreams came to fruition

I wanna die, not as a know-it-all but as a youth teacher
Not a paper-chaser but, instead, a truth seeker
A truth speaker, who lived his lyrics on and off stage
Who trusted the Author of Life with each page

I wanna leave behind a legacy, not just mentally, but deep within their hearts
That they were meant to be loved by the Heavenly
And to pass down values like integrity
With a hope that sets 'em free and pass it down for centuries

Until the day I stand before divine presence
I'll grab a hold of today; I see why it's called the "present"
Every day is a gift and a chance to make
The most out of what I've been given; remember to give thanks

And to know my worth for I've been made in God's image
And I'm still being built by Him, I'm not finished
And to know my worth 'cause I've been made in God's image
And I'm still being built by Him, I'm not finished

Writer(s): David Shin
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