
Your head's above water
But your legs are gonna run out of speed
You're gasping for air
But you've convinced yourself that's just how you breathe
And you're smooth on the surface
But your body's breaking down underneath
You're languishing
Not yet dead
Not fully alive
Somewhere in the middle of the turf and the tide
Dragging not drowning
Afloat but not free
Too proud to shout an SOS to the beach

In between
Stuck in the wake of wasted potential
Telling yourself it's not too torrential
Let me be
What you need
Darling you weren't made just to survive
Let me help you feel alive
Thrive with me

The shore is in your vision
But you're drifting in a prison at sea
The effort's an eleven
But your sense of heaven's down at a three
And the wading's suffocating
But your lungs and your heart disagree
You're languishing
Caught in a current of cans and coulds
Swirling in a cyclone of shoulds and woulds
Dragging not drowning
Afloat but not free
Too proud to shout an SOS to the beach

In between
Stuck in the wake of wasted potential
Telling yourself it's not too torrential
Let me be
What you need
Darling you weren't made just to survive
Let me help you feel

I wanna give you wind in your hair
And salt on your tongue
The breeze on your back
The kiss of the sun
And all those songs you left unsung
I'm still singing
You're not too far
It's not too late
Don't you know I can hold your weight
Stop your striving
Stop surviving
I'm inviting
To thrive with me

Your feet have stopped kicking
And it's clicking that you don't need a boat
Just lay your head back
See how light it all feels when you float

Writer(s): Brianna Barnes
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