Crimea River, I. One Comes, One Goes

Issues arise, and people move on
We missed our turn and were left for dead
They arrived disposed
For a single objective and one ideal
Mass emigration of spirit
We will be left
To carry on the struggle for genuine goals and aspirations
We have to accept the fact that one comes and one goes

Man's exodus
Leaving what was once ours behind
Information processing
Having a voice and understanding others
Abstract ideas
No memory
Hypothetical insurrections
Invading our souls
Of extinction
Experiencing thoughts of the unknown
Mass emigration
Paralysis of the mind

No memory
Leaving what was once ours
With the fear of what's ahead
Invading our souls
And deforming our minds
But when one comes, one goes

Created from nothingness
Designed with love and experience
I am fashioned by the physical but not defined by it
I am here for a purpose and a single objective
I shall pass away when that goal is accomplished

One comes, One goes
Killed in mass we fled
One comes, One goes
Souls of God? We weep
One comes, One goes
Migrated to lands
To be killed once again
Lost home of stars
Lost home of land
Lost home in the heart
Lost home of peace
I am alone
We lose ourselves to life

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