The Harbinger

Pale walls rise into shining stone spires
Their shadow rings with dark lost bells
The cathedral guards the gates
Guards the vanished way I must take
Howling woods lie beyond the arches
Old tales of Endorphin line the branches
Perhaps the cure for all your darkenings

Silence sings inside these doors
Their twisted stone bodies rise before
My kneeling form
Blood Wardens bless me, take me
Let my blood-crafted jewels adorn your blue settled pool
Bless me, we await thee
Blood will wake thee
Or bathe my body
Wreck my bark in thy waters

Dusty bells are tolling
I stand
Blood has dripped from my hand
The heavy gates swing open like the trees beyond
Whose dark arms are welcoming me
To bless me
Consecrate my journey

Writer(s): Giuseppe Tria
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