Soldiers in Tzivos Hashem

In the army of Hashem, I fight
For Moshiach to come and make the world right
In the army I keep guard
And though its sometimes very hard
I keep Hashem's law, doing more and even more

There's a job Hashem wants to be done
Chase that Yetzer Hora and get him on the run!
Every day we're getting nearer
Soon Hashem will have his Diroh
Here with you and me, right where He wants to be

Hashem is here with me and you
He watches everything we do.
So, let us to our best
To do mitzvos with great zest

Closer, closer, it's so near
And soon that shofar blast we'll hear
And then it will be true
We'll have Moshiach Tzidkeinu

There's a job Hashem wants to be done
Come on, soldiers, for we have nearly won!
Every day we're getting nearer;
Soon Hashem will have his Diroh
Here with you and me, right where he wants to be

Writer(s): Miriam Amzalak
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