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I started this project, because I thought it was important to show an example of what it's Like to do something, even though society is telling you not to. I'd heard stories, of Successful people in music, say to buy a van, to jump off the ledge, to do it despite Everything, to live off of couches and eat Ramen. That it was worth it, and at the same Time I was very scared to do that. To do something that seemed so risky. To not chase The rat race as they would say. Along the way I had to convince myself for reasons to do This
Reasons like music saved me when I was a child, so it was my turn to be someone on The other side. Reasons like, life is hard and with all of this pain I have to make some Sense of it, have some meaning to it and perhaps use this thing that I love so much to Heal myself and maybe perhaps in doing so it would heal other people
Reasons like perhaps, if people understand or feel where I am coming from, they won't Feel so alone. Perhaps, I have an obligation, to those that come after me, to give them An honest answer. If they ask, should I follow my passions and my dreams, should I Believe in myself? So, when I'm on my deathbed, I can tell my grandchildren, yes or no? And not die a liar. Hope you enjoy

Writer(s): Mackenzie Bly
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