
One of my favorite lines I ever wrote was:
"In order to maintain out way of living we must tell
lies to each other, and specially to ourselves".
Is not necessarily the lies be particularly believable,
but nearly they be erratic that beares the truth.
Robert Jay Lifton talks about before you can commit any
mass atrocity you have to convince yourself that what you're
doing is not in fact and atrocity but instead a benefit,
so for example:
'The nazis weren't actually committing genocide, and mass murder,
they're purifying the arian race.'
and... likewise...
'Whites in north america haven't been commiting genocide,
but instead they're manifesting their destiny.'
'Captains of industry are not murdering the planet,
but instead they're developing natural ressources.

Writer(s): Nikolas Chacon
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
