
I asked the question "what is a hate group?"
and the book just exploded, because,
the first thing I did is go to a KKK website,
and KKK website said explicitily, 'we are
not a hate group, we are a love group cause we love whites',
and I realize something imediatly, witch is, this either means:

a: the KKK isn't a hate group.


b: You can't thrust rethoric.

Well if you can't trust rethoric what do you trust?
and things got really sticky then, because if you go
just by the numbers then the biggest racist segregation and
organization in the country is the US justional and penal system,
cost cheep segregation of african americans males
on a scale that the KKK can only dream of.

Writer(s): Nikolas Chacon
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
