Five Seconds

The laundry was folded
At the end of the table
It sat there for days
'Til I put it away
And I remember thinking
What have I been drinking?
Or have I been asleep for the last forty days?

But I wouldn't last for five seconds
Around you

Ever since the winter every woman wanted her
Everyone wanted her since winter began
Ever since the winter every woman wanted her
Everyone wanted her
It's winter again

But I wouldn't last for five seconds around you
I stood here for hours to convince you to fall for the truth
But no, no, it's a lie
I couldn't admit it but I don't regret it
And neither should you
Honey, I wouldn't last for five seconds without you

And ever since the winter every woman wanted her
Everyone wanted her since winter began
And ever since the winter every woman wanted her
Everyone wanted her
It's winter again

But I wouldn't last for five seconds around you
I stood here for days to convince you to it's all been a fluke
But no, no, it's a lie
It cut like a chainsaw thrown by a southpaw
(Line under review)
Honey, I wouldn't last for five minutes around you
No, no, it's a lie
I wouldn't last for five seconds

Writer(s): Jacob Brian Dilley
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