Crazy Story (feat. Donny McCaslin)

Tell me a crazy story
To make sense of this day
Don't say little glories
I don't want to cheat that way
Just your voice like a sidewalk beneath my feet
Narrate my concrete

I want you to write me down
I want you to read me aloud
I want you to turn my pages
Turn me, turn me
Into a crazy story
Turn me crazy

Want me too, on your lips
Want me too, like breath from your mouth
Want me too, for song, for praying
I am yours; come play me crazy

Tell me a crazy story
Read me crazy

Prism hours like blades run across my skin
Tower like days too high for scaling
So far away, your voice is failing
The words of my life wait and wait and wait like crazy

Come make me crazy
Come make me your crazy story

Writer(s): Tobin Mueller
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