Until Unless (feat. The Audible Doctor) [Single]

How long can you hold your breath
How long

They say don't wait that fate
Makes it so the air is clear when the time is right
That the burden's light
And if you have to wait to respirate then go
I don't dare
My sole care
I aspire to respire the smoke from dark fire
In desire I perspire
It burns in terms dire
No more turned by word of liars
Begone idle choirs
They don't sing that when you DO wait
The air you intake
Like the water that Ponce De Leon
Searched for far and long
Florida grew this song
One inhaled draught makes up for days month years
Waking up as face runs tears
Some air you only need partake
To be full
For all time

How long can you hold your breath

Let me tell you about one time
A long time I held mine
Long enough a whole calendar died
I stayed apoxic like high climbs
Blood became toxic but still I
Refused to breathe as I got more dizzy by the minute
Knowing since day one that when we begin it
The rush and the swell and the rise from blue to crimson
The truest and then some
Could not rue even when from
The pain I could not run
And I was right
And hourglass upon flipped hourglass later
Like card 10 of fortune's favor
It's not the same but it still was
It still is

How long can you hold your breath

I won't inhale or exhale even though my lungs flex well
Even in each waiting day's next hell
Sneezing wheezing allergic to intel
The stigma of my style pointed at me, a pistil
Flimsy feeling filament supports my anther
My stamen and why I can't, sir
Give up on this flower, ever
As it dessicates looking unweller
An explosion from the lungs comes
I love you, in two tongues
But somehow my dying each day waters the torpid corpses
Of dead roses that keep growing
Only mostly dead, so I keep going
I keep knowing

How long can I hold my breath

As long as it takes
And so
Call me Sisyphus if you must
The gods hold no sway
And my stone will find purchase
And every past hurt just
A cornerstone of the foundation we're making
The grinding of thrones pushed together on stone the walls shaking
The palace chamber unwavered through scarped cliff beneath flaking
Rocks tumbling to the water below, breathtaking
Hands fumbling on the keyboard, flesh waking
Words stirring til there is no mistaking
What you heard on day one was painstaking
And I haven't breathed since a year ago
The day I said I know I know
And you said I'm not sure
Within your eyes a bright ember of yes
And your thighs firmly protectively pressed
Against the flooding, the budding, the stress
Of the swirling growing in heart's nest
So I work the bellows breathless
And I say nothing
Until I am holding my breath less
And I will still

And then until came

I breathed

But instead of finding it lesser
I found the air fresher and yes, sir
I feel blesseder and less blurred
Stagnation festered the best of my spectres
Imagination ghosts that bring inspiration
Back from blinking blue to colors true
Eyes back to blinking too, so overdue
Mind over-stacked spills over new
Thoughts, plans, and schemes not few
Brought back to focus blew
Out the candle the vandal lit
To light their own benighted pit
And candle to next candle flit
And I through ensued scandal bit
The bullets fired at me
Goldenly glowing power returned in the knowing
I was always the font and the source the seed sowing
The mind blowing - toeing the line but why? Going
On now and bestowing instead of the beast towing
My mind around
Bolt cutter to the Devil's chains, the clangor of metal on metal sounds
It falls to the ground rebounds
Then lays still

And I am free
I breathed

How long could I hold my breath?
was the wrong question
But why would I hold my breath?

I breathe
And I know better
And it's for ever

Writer(s): Logan Grendel
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
