Freely Give Us

No condemnation in Jesus
For we are saints, and sons of God
He that's in him has found rest
And peace indeed

He that spared not his Son
But delivered him up
How shall he not freely give us all things
He that spared not his Son
But delivered him up
How shall he not freely give us all things

Who shall separate us from Christ's Love
Shall tribulation, sword, famine, or nakedness
For we are more than conquerors
Through God's pure love

He that spared not his Son
But delivered him up
How shall he not freely give us all things
He that spared not his Son
But delivered him up
How shall he not freely give us all things

God sent his son to die on Calvary
Jesus shed his blood to save a wretch like me
Now I am free, God saved me

He that spared not his Son
But delivered him up
How shall he not freely give us all things

He that spared not his Son
But delivered him up
How shall he not
How shall he not
How shall he not
How shall he not
How shall he not freely give us all things

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