
For the longest time the box I thought I needed to fit in was everything but me
It's only now I see, there isn't a box, but the confines in my mind
The things society preaches to me evidentially and subconsciously
Be wary of the latter, because they don't warn you
They do it slowly, mechanically, methodically as to not make you aware
Of what you've unknowingly signed up for
That is a life that chooses conformity over individualism

Had I known then, what I know now I would have run
And if upon reading this, a realization has dawned upon you
Then run my friend
Run quickly in the opposite direction and do not question what that may be

You see we weren't made to conform.
No, you and I, we were made to bloom
And that is stepping into your God given innate power
So that, when they come for you and they will, when they say Go
You say No

Writer(s): Anisa Butt
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