Whore Burning Ceremony

In the darkness of this eve, I shall incise my epidermis
And summon the shining one from within.
"Behold, O Ben Shahar, gaze upon thine visage,
Observe the damage wrought by malevolence's rage.
Lo, how the aspersions of intolerance do paint the heavens as black,
And taint the soil and rend the bodies of the slain martyrs."

Blackened bitch I saw what you have done
Your conspiracy uncovered
The fake veil falls.
Verily, this artful cadence doth not resound as mere inanity,
But rather a fervent wrath, congealed within my soul for eons past.
Yet, thou didst choose to ignite the pyre and scorch my flesh,
As an act of supposed benevolence, thou art wont to possess.
And now, as I draw my final breath, thou standeth by,
Feigning nonchalance and apathy, as if I were never alive.
But, the whore(s), they fed me lies
So, I slowly choke their eyes
And gluttony to consume them rises within
Fuck the God, now all of them are gone.

Oh my fraternal bond, my confederacy,
Your very essence exudes perfidy,
Your noxious emissions, I did ingest,
Nearly felling me to my last rest.
Yet lo and behold, I am aloft,
My voice and verse, causing your mind to be soft,
Luxuriating in avarice and indolence, you waste your days,
Venturing to challenge me, oh, the gall, the audacity in these ways.
Hide your acts, but I will see
Hide your faces, but I will eat
Hide your God, but I will kill
Hide your mother, but I will ravish
The nymphomaniac slut.

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