Train to Nowhere

I'm staring out a window watching life go by
I'm on a train to nowhere but everything's alright
I thoughtfully look out the window
At the world that's racing by
All the crushing thoughts from home
They all just seem to pass me by

Raindrops run down the window
Race straight up to the weeping willow
Still dreaming still dreading
My final destination

I sit there hands in my hair
I think and think non stop
The world around don't seem to care
Just keep on till you drop

Looming deadlines haunt my sleep
And everyone is counting on me
But I really don't care
Cause I'm on the train to nowhere

Anxiety bugs me
But the train's hum is so calm
All worries leave me
The world within
Sits within my palm
And I really don't care
Because I'm on the train to nowhere

Forward experienced but now I take a look back
Have I even done anything, am I on the right track
Existential dread fills my head right up till I crack
Sit back or end on the verge of a panic attack

But oh well, se la vie
I'm home now, that was relaxing
It turns out, life's pretty good

Writer(s): Eli Ross
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