Pledge Allegiance

I pledge allegiance
To the flag
Of the United States
For which it stands
One nation
One job
Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all

I pledge allegiance
To the flag
Of the United States
For which it stands
One nation
One job
Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all

I got a job in the fog and a view of the bay
I bet that you'd want it too if you knew 'bout the pay
And when the clock strikes four at the end of the day
I got a little more honor to my name

I'm Interpreter Lee
Or "Miss Lee"
I'm not in your history, but it's 1923 and my people exist
You need a real quick wit to survive as a Chinaman, yeah
Even if you're born here
It's either laundry or cooking if you're a jook sing
Otherwise you hustle in a tong like a crook
Singing for your supper, yeah, no opportunity
So I was shook when the government recruited me
Eight in the morning I wake and break a fast, make a splash
Hop on board to Alcatraz
But my ferry ride's a little bit more
Commuting to the next best rock next door

Angel Island!
A day of cases goes fast
Interrogating immigrants and checking the facts
I help do the dirty work that must be done
Separating blood sons from paper ones

All Chinese are criminals
But I uphold the law
And I'll show them that our courage
Runs miles deep
Prove my worth and I'll move up in society

I pledge allegiance
To the flag
Of the United States
For which it stands
My nation
My job
Indivisible with liberty and justice for all

Alright, I lied before
Mr. Inspector PB Jones won't let me check any facts
He doesn't trust me 'cause I'm Chinese
But he needs me 'cause I'm American

This line of work can pay pretty crazy
From the pockets of immigrants with lai see
I'm the only one who doesn't let it get to me
Don't waste your money

You know they fired all the Asian help back in the day
But then the "white only" hires couldn't hack it so they
Took us back 'cause our backgrounds are worth their while
So here I am
Service with a smile

You can't trust a Chinaman
I'm here to prove them wrong

And I'll show them that our courage
Runs miles deep
Prove my worth and I'll move up in society

I pledge allegiance
To the word
Of the immigration station I serve
Angel Island and the law
Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all

All I need is
My allegiance
And I can make it out
I keep believing
My allegiance
Will help me make it out

I pledge allegiance
To the flag
Of the United States
For which it stands
To the border
To the walls
Indivisible with liberty and justice for all

I pledge allegiance
To the flag
Of the United States republic for which it stands
Secure the border
Secure my job
Indivisible with liberty and justice...
For all

Writer(s): Skyler Chin
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