Arunachala Shiva (Sanskrit)

Arunachala Shiva, Arunachala Shiva, Arunachala Shiva, Aruna Shiva
Akshaya Linga Atma Linga
Tejonmaya Vigraha Linga
Iha Para Sukha Dayaka, Esha (Sai), Iha Para Sukha Dayaka
Om Namah Shivaya, Shivaya Namah Om (3)

O Lord Shiva, You reside in the Arunachala hill in the form of imperishable Atma Linga, the effulgent symbol, which bestows peace and happiness in this and the higher world. O Lord, salutations to Thee, the embodiment of the Primordial sound "Om".

Writer(s): Sssio Adults
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