Cult of Jim

Come on in, the water's fine
Pick the fruits and drink the wine
Feel yourself become a part of the furniture, the fixings

Does it take your breath away
When you hear the things we have to say
Don't you feel so at home here... stay here

Listen here, I have a few things, just a couple of strings attached
You are welcome, but if you really want to stay, listen here to what I have to say

Answer to me
Listen to me
Become a part of this entity

I promise you're free
You do belong here but you belong to me

Have you time to put your trust in the power
Bring it in
Let's begin
Come and deliver yourself

Stand up
Take the floor
And prove yourself
Before us all

Don't go now
But go now
Oh here now

Soak it up, soak it in
One of us bathed in sin

To me death is not a fearful thing, its the living that's treacherous
I don't see it like that, I feel that as long as there's life there's hope
Some day that hope runs out because everybody dies
I'd like to choose my own death for a change
I'm tired of being tormented to hell, that's what I'm tired of
If we can't live in peace then we must die in peace

Not today, maybe not any day
Do what I say
Its too late to leave now anyway

Writer(s): Imogen Storey
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