The Presidents Middle Names

George Washington's middle name, well, he just didn't have one
John Adams, too
And Thomas Jefferson, just wasn't done
James Madison and James Monroe's middle names, not to be
But, next, John Adams had a middle name which was Quincy
Andrew Jackson, middle-nameless
Martin Van Buren, the same
But, William Harrison had one, Henry was his middle name

John Tyler, did he have one? No
Though, Knox was James Polk's
Zachary Taylor didn't
Millard Fillmore, none from his folks
Franklin Pierce had one, but K is all we know, could be Kendrick
James Buchanan, nope
Abe Lincoln, one, his parents didn't pick
Andrew Johnson's all there is
Ulysses Grant's was Ulysses
His first name was Hiram, the S, just the military's

Presidential middle names are just like yours and mine
It's a way to honor family members down through time

Birchard, Rutherford Hayes' middle name was from his ma's
James Garfield, Abram
Chester Arthur, Alan, his grandpa's
Grover Cleveland, his was Grover, Stephen, his first name
Benjamin Harrison, just those two, history books claim
William McKinley, nothing in between
Like Teddy Roosevelt
William Taft's was from his grandma, Howard, fitting, they felt

Woodrow Wilson's was Woodrow, and Thomas was his first
Warren Harding's, Gamaliel, named from a Bible verse
Coolidge, John's his first name, Calvin's the middle one he had
Herbert Hoover's middle name was Clark, the same as his dad
Franklin Roosevelt, Delano's the name that's inside
Harry Truman's simply S, his parents could not decide

Presidential middle names are just like yours and mine
It's a way to honor family members down through time

Dwight Eisenhower's middle name, David is from his dad
John Kennedy, Fitzgerald is the one his mother had
Lyndon Johnson's Baines was his mother's before she wed
Richard Nixon's Milhous, his mom's maiden name, I read
Gerald Ford's middle name became Rudolph when he turned two
Jimmy Carter's Earl was chosen by his dad, it's true

Ronald Reagan's Wilson, his mom's maiden name, her deed
George Bush had two, Herbert Walker, I'm sure it's not from greed
Bill Clinton's Jefferson, George Bush's Walker, like his dad
Barack Hussein Obama, is the same his father had
The J in the middle of Donald Trump's name stands for John
Last, Joe Biden's Robinette, his grandmother's name
I'm gone

Writer(s): Dennis Nowicki
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