Anywhere But Here (demo)

When you used to imagine
How now would be
It wasn't anything like this

You're uninspired
Every day more tired
You wonder if this is all there is

You worry about everything
You worry about your worries
I remember what you said to me

I want to be anywhere but here
Day by day trying to get by
I hope I can forgive myself
For not doing more with this life

You can feel all your world stall
Try to make sense of it all
All your troubles remain

More bad news on the TV
You think nothing will free me
The world around you falls apart

You use to like to questions
But not knowing now only threatens
What little left you believe

You feel alone with your thoughts and fears thinking
You're doing worse than everyone passing by
And all it has ever done is hold you back
From feeling like you're living a life

You just want a sign
Things can get better
But life gives you more weight to sink

You suffer your doubts and reflections
It's all too real again and again
You lost those old crazy dreams

You're running out of time
Expired is all your hope
You find the wrong ways to cope

You're consumed by what you didn't do
Blame yourself for not getting it all right
It's like a constant storm in your soul
You wish didn't haunt you every night

Writer(s): Zb Blueberry
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