
My eyes are sharp like swords
Cut them deep stare into yours
Wind me up don't wind me down
Heartbreak's real I feel it now

Messing with you I seem to like
The games we play brings me to life
Seasons change they come, and go
What happened to me nobody knows

I'm not sure though
Yet I want to keep you close oh
When the ice starts to crack
Then I know there's no turning back

The philophobia is real
I get hyperactive, and afraid
When I have to tell you I feel this way
I entertain myself when I play
With my little toy switchblade

Metal chains running around my neck
Like a carousel our horses met
My heart has latched onto yours
No blood worth pouring
Water running in the shower
Now it's four in the morning
I'm just wondering if I'll always feel this way
If my complexities take ahold, and take me away again
I fear my bones are gonna break too
I fear my dear, oh dear
That sword is gonna break through ooh, ooh
(ha, ha, ha, ha, ha)

I'm not sure though
Yet I want to keep you close oh
When the ice starts to crack
Then I know there's no turning back

The philophobia is real
I get hyperactive, and afraid
When I have to tell you I feel this way
I entertain myself when I play
With my little toy switchblade

I'm not sure though
Yet I want to keep you close oh
When the ice starts to crack
Then I know there's no turning back

The philophobia is real
I get hyperactive, and afraid
When I have to tell you I feel this way
I entertain myself when I play
With my little toy switchblade

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