Communion (Song Session)

Love was there before the beginning
The Father, Son and Spirit, perfect union

We were made to walk in the garden
To bring us back our Lover stopped at nothing

As we break this bread, let us not forget
The body that was broken for our sin
As You gave Your life, paid the greatest price
The veil was torn so we could enter in

Oh to be one, oh to be one with You
This is communion, oh to be one with You

Not just with You Lord, but with each other
Let us see You in our sisters and our brothers

As we take this cup, there's power in Your blood
To tear down every wall that comes between
As we give our lives, a living sacrifice
Unite us in Your endless harmony

Oh to be one, oh to be one with You
This is communion, oh to be one with You

Thank You for Your presence, we won't forget the cost
Your desire to be with us, led You to the cross

Thank You for this moment that You saw on Calvary
You imagined times like these when You hung on that tree

Thank You for the power that overcame the grave
The same Spirit is alive in us with power for today

Thank You that You're coming and making all things right
Thank You that the darkest night is no match for Your light

Thank You for this family and for the hope we share
Thank You that no matter what our confidence is sure

That we'll be in communion around the throne of victory
With Father, Son and Spirit, one, for all eternity

Oh to be one, oh to be one with You
This is communion, oh to be one with You

Heaven one with earth, eternal garden
Creator and creation, perfect union

Writer(s): Bria Valderrama
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