The Story of Obanion the Onion

The refrigerator was cracked open
It invited me in for a pepper
That fridge did grow or I did shrink
Either way it pulled me in
That's where the story begins
So sit down and have a drink

The sky was white and the floor was mold
I saw a dead banana it was getting old
I thought that would be my final day

That's when I met my trusty companion
I came to know him as Obanion
He's the best man I ever knew'd
He was also an onion
Obanion once had a kid and a wife
They lived a happy life
Singing songs but never the blues
Then one day their lives were taken
By old man carrot and his dirty old turnip gang
Now the blues is all he sings

Obanion said I'll make you a deal
I'll get out of here if you help me peel
Old man carrot and his dirty turnip gang
Okay I said
And off we rode on two banana horses into the sunset

Into the fridge and freezer we rode
Only stopping to build a snowman or take a pee
We told stories of our lives
And ate lots of cans of beans
We tracked em to a town
Of leftovers virtually untouched by the hands of time

The street were dusty, the tomatoes were busty
Outside the local saloon a man gripped his broom
My muscles were tense but the air was calm and silent
There we stand face to face with old man carrot and his turnip gang
"Are you ready to die"
Said old man carrot with an evil grin on his face
"Hey old man carrot" I replied
"I'm gonna stick you up your mommas behind"
"Ill handle this" said Obanion

"I have loved and I have lost
I've been bitter and I planned to sin
Now I stand in front of the source of my misery
And I feel at peace
Old man carrot, you aren't worth the bullet out of my pea shooter

It's a long life and you'll need it to reflect on the evil deeds you've done
But there's hope for you yet"
With that Obanion turned away and I followed suit
A bullets fired
I'm unscathed
I look to Obanion, he looks at me
A peaceful smile on his face
He falls to his knees and I catch him in my arms
This is my final day he says
Go live your life and think of me but seldom
I shed a tear
I had no other choice
Because he was an onion

Writer(s): David Zack
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