A-KAL - i


For the next two and a half minutes
I want you to just imagine with me
Let your mind go
And imagine

Imagine a world with none of these iPhones and new iPads
No iPods no iMacs no I this and no I that
Imagine a world where we walked out and said hi back
In real life and not online with emojis that you can type fast
Imagine spending hours talking till we fall asleep
Instead of scrolling through posts the algorithm puts on our feed
Imagine waking up and going straight, straight to brushing our teeth
Instead the first shine ain't from the sun but from the light we see on our screen
Imagine all the connections lost cuz we were looking down
All the people we could've met if we weren't on the browse
All the things we could've seen if we'd just look around
All we could've done if we'd live in the now
But I know that's a reality I dream of that we'll never see
The apps are more addicting now and it's the most they'll ever be
And now the people listening to this song will all have to agree
We're all prisoners to our phones
And no ones really free

And I I
I see so many I's but no us
I hate to see what we have become
When will we say "enough"?

Call me old fashioned but I liked it in '84
I wasn't alive then but heard nobody had their phones
People actually talked at bus stops and asked for
Directions to their destinations forget all the google maps yo
And I don't think Zuckerberg ever expected all of this
That no human on the planet would be anonymous
We all have a profile though he wanted this
But no one knew that it would turn into this giant apocalypse
If it did not exist then life would not have come this far
I understand technology's the reason for a lot
We took a shot to the stars to the moon and beyond
Made 'em cars with a roof, get our news in our palms
But see these are all the positives
Believe me there's a problem and we need to now acknowledge it
We gotta think of all the kids
A generation losing touch with every touch on their screen

Imagine a world with none of these iPhones and new iPads
No iPods no iMacs no I this and no I that
It's hard to imagine but sometimes I like to lie back
And think of ways to get humanity back up on the right path

And I I
I see so many I's but no us
I hate to see what we have become
When will we say "enough"?

Writer(s): Adil Kalyanpur
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com


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