My Skull Is Made Outta Bone

My skull is made outta bone
It's solid and hard as a stone
It protects my brain from the wind and the rain
My skull is made outta bone

My brain is grayish and pink
It's smart 'cause it knows how to think
It controls all the parts of my body
Telling my eyes when to blink

My eyes can see a great deal
The nerves in my hands help me feel
This song I can hear loud and clear with my ear
With my tongue, I taste every meal
And I can smell my grubby toes with my nose

My skin is stretchy and thin
It holds all my organs in
My heart pumps blood, my stomach holds food
My lungs breathe in oxygen

There's a purpose for each body part
From your big toe up to your heart
Now let's use our brain to remember again
How this song did start
My skull is made outta bone

Writer(s): Cass Eugene Mccombs, Gregory Todd Gardner
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