I win I win I win (repeat)
Look at the boards score we up on the score
And we not finish soul yea we coming for more
Smoking on Lucy pack from city to city
It's like we all on a tour
The Father love around me, so much I feel like a hoard
Faith of a mustard seed, but I still played the field

Faith of a mustard seed,
But I still played the field.
Had some tricks on my mind
David copper field
Light it threw me down on my knees I kneel
I will do anything for ya do anything for yaaaa.
Do anything for yaaaaa
. .
Sometimes you just have to encourage yourself
My spirits talking
I apologize for being too hard on you
Expecting perfection and not growth
I apologize from operating from my trauma
Rather than the victory God has already
Supplied for me.
Light it threw me down
On my knees I kneel
I just want you to know I'll do anything for ya
I apologize for believing freedom in Christ
Meant constriction in religion.
I apologize for being with
And choosing women that were beneath your
And Gods standard based on the
Way I started to perceive ourself.
I apologize for not allowing you
To heal properly and allowing
Broken people in because we attract who we are
I apologize for not trusting the God in you,
But the God in everybody else
On another note
Self, I'm proud of your ability to endure.
Not a lot of people could've
Survived mentally what you've been through.
Self, I'm proud of you for still being
A man after Gods own heart.
I'm proud of you for your ability
to tap into the grace of God
To forgive those who hurt you.
Self, you're amazing.
You probably will never know how awesome you are.
And I know you don't hear that as often as you should...
But I just want you to know
That I think highly of you.
And I love you dearly.
This will be the year I allow you come
Out of the cave and who God created you to be.
The world will never be the same.
Your second closest friend.

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