because Jesus.


Because life is a vapor
Because death is gain
Because obedience
Because "do not take my name in vain"
Because life is Christ
Because faith
Because gospel
Because it's for His glory's sake
Because the king will return
Because the greatest of these is love
Because psalm 72
Because revelation 21
Because hope
Because this story isn't done
Because we're gonna make plowshares
Out of all our swords and every gun
Because barrels bombs shouldn't fall
Because He took on flesh and blood
Because He said "go tell them all"
Because He still does
Because nothing matters more than this
Because every nation needs a witness
Because the unreached deserve it
Because so many haven't heard yet
Because the manger
Because He knelt to wash our feet
Because grace
Because His blood still intercedes
Because the prophecies
Because Jerusalem and "blessed is He"
Because it's not because He needs us
Because Zion
Because Jesus

Writer(s): Stephanie Quick
Lyrics powered by
