Group Therapy (Messages Pt. 7) [ABGT535]

Our good friend, Sunny Lax, there
Reworking the new Christina Novelli record, 'Black Heart'
But now, for the last batch of messages
Oscar from Seattle wants to give a shoutout to his good friend, Doujin
He's getting married to his best friend, Lizette, in October
And he's a huge ABGT fan

Isaac from Dallas wants to shoutout his brother, Marco
He says, "Happy Birthday, can't wait for more Group Therapy sessions"
Ambrose and Adam from Somerset, UK, want to shoutout his daughter, Puffey
For the move to Cardiff
He says, "Good luck with your new job and your final year of uni"

Our flashback record
Courtesy of an artiste you've already heard tonight
Under a different name, this is 'In Sequence - The Korolova Remix'

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