Climate Breakdown (feat. Eddie Pepitone & Robbie Seahag Mangano)

Climate Breakdown is for real
Climate Breakdown no more seals
Where the fuck did the butterflies go
Where the fuck are the bees
Climate breakdown
For you and me

The temp is getting hot hot hot hot hot
California is going down down down down down
On me
Ow ow

Climate breakdown will be the end of us
I'm talking bout you sir
It's gonna be the end of us won't it folks
Climate breakdown is rather tough tough tough

The arctic shelf is melting
Within the next decade it will be gone
The arctic shelf be gone
We will all be dead dead dead
But don't worry about it
Because Netflix has a lot of stuff coming out out

Yes the oceans will be rising
And cities underwater but
Ozark is coming back with Jason Bateman
Yeah yeah

Who gives a damn
About climate breakdown
When Netflix has stuff like the haunting of
hill house baby

You gotta believe me when I say
Just because there's no bees and butterflies
It doesn't matter
There's a new macaroon shop opening up near you
Hey sir what do you think of climate breakdown
We don't give a shit, me and my wife like it when It gets hot
Thank you sir

The oceans will be rising
Cities will be underwater
Climate refugees will be flooding inland
There will be food shortages
But the video games keep getting better and better

Nature will only be accessible through a video game
Is that what you think mam
Oh I don't know I'm just drinking rum and coke tonight
Honey, don't talk to the fucking guy
Why he asked me a question

I just took you out to have a good time
Don't talk to the singer
I know you get the hots for singers
But he's singing about climate breakdown and
He asked asked me what I thought about it
Look baby baby put on your coat we're leaving

Climate breakdown
Where are you going to be when it all comes
Tumbling down
It all comes tumbling down

I'll be doing drugs and alcohol
I don't give a shit about climate breakdown at all
But it's getting hot
It's getting hot
It's getting hot
But I got pot

It's legal now folks in a lot of states just in time for climate breakdown
Yeah the industrial world is out of control and of course corporations have turned everything into a commodity haven't they folks
Yeah they sure fucking have

Everything even nature is a commodity
And they use it to exhaustion and collapse
These motherfuckers all these corporations

Sir where do you work
I work for Monsanto
Round up is a pesticide that's killing all of us
Round up is a pesticide that's killing all of us
what the hell is going on with frankenfood

Climate breakdown
Corporate greed
A distracted population
Abusing themselves to death
To death

Where'd the arctic shel go
I don't know
I don't know
Hurricanes are category fuck me
Category six
Category seven
Category eight is in our future

Superstorms are wiping us out
But I got my big screen tv hooked up to you tube
And I'm watching cat videos high
I am just a consumer hollowed out from the inside
Right sir
Yeah I can't feel
I can't feel

Isn't that great
God is dead
Science rules
We are gonna die alone
Especially you mam
Oh stop it

We are gonna die alone
Especially you sir
I know it
I know I'm gonna die alone but I don't care
Because I have Netflix

Climate Breakdown is here to stay
Unless we switch to Solar wind
And the flute the flute the flute
We have to stop CO2 gasses and methane
But you all like your meat
Your steaks your meat your burgers

It don't work anymore folks
It don't work any more
The society has broken down
Thank you for coming everybody

Sorry doc I gotta get back to my song
Hey that was my doctor doctor Schwartz
He says my cholesterol is high and I'm like screw it
I'm gonna eat as much sugar and dairy and meat as I can before
The shit hits the fan
The shit is gonna hit the fan

Sorry about that folks
Climate breakdown why floss
Why floss why tweeze your eyebrows when we're gonna die violently

Climate breakdown watch it on your tv
You can watch hurricanes and monsoons
On your tv
It's called grief
Grief porn grief porn
Catastrophe porn

Watch a disaster on your television
Hey Al Houston is underwater
Oh Climate breakdown
Margaret Japan is getting totaled by a typhoon put on the TV
You can watch it all in living color
Smoke a joint and watch the end of the world on your tv
Smoke a joint and watch the end of the world
I always order in when there's a disaster

Climate breakdown
Forget the tummy tuck and the nose job
There's gonna be itinerant gangs
Raping and pillaging everybody
Sticking children on spikes because its climate breakdown

Hope you have a tough constitution
Climate breakdown
At a theatre near you

Writer(s): Edward Pepitone
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