Interlude: Echo From The Past

Cap, the Dark Energy is getting closer
We have to rebalance it before it hits Earth
Any luck on the signal
Checking again
Yes, now listen

Comet... radio satellite... fix
Satellite... so big

Doesn't that sound like

Let's see... still broken
I want to... I'll go first

No way
It's not possible

Ugh, Chip
You always get to try first

It's us

I do not
Come on, Cap
You never let me have any fun
I do, too
You just never listen
Well, you're not the boss
Why don't you go power down
Hey, you can't say that to robots
Oh, Chip
Oh no
Well, it looks like the satellite is working
Did we just broadcast that whole fight
Yup, out into the whole universe (universe, universe)

This is us, from our last mission to fix this satellite
It's our old radio broadcast
And it's been bouncing around space this whole time
But that was so long ago
I guess even words from a long time ago can still affect us today
If we don't listen and talk them out
They can create Dark Energy later
Hold on
So we created this big wave of Dark Energy
But we're Comet Cadets
We're supposed to rebalance Dark Energy and protect the universe
I know
But sometimes we make mistakes
There has to be a way we can stop it from spreading any farther now
So what do we do
Let's take our time and think

Writer(s): David Hudson, Sarah Hudson
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