Angry All The Time

Some people wake up with a smile every day
No sorrow can reach them
No pain comes their way
The sun is always shining in beautiful minds
But here it's raining all the time

It's cloudy and grey
Every night, every day
My lust for life is on the wane
But I have learned how to keep it inside
That's why I'm angry all the time

For me, all sorrows bring burden to heart
Hellfires are burning 'pon roads that I walk
I'm smiling 'cause that's what you're supposed to do
"I'm fine, thank you. How are you?"

I spend my days toiling and God, who knows why?
Drinking to forget every night
This darkness is growing like cancer inside
That's why I'm angry all the time

If there is a god, I'll pray for him to come
To bring back the old ways without his son
To make their hearts ache and bleed just like mine
Then I'd too be happy all the time
Happy all the time

Writer(s): Filip Thomas Lonnqvist
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