Keeping up

I thought we had days so long
I blinked and they were gone
But we all have to move on
Can't bring it into tomorrow
I only know my shadow
I used to think I knew them all before
That was way before I cracked the code
That was before I had a soul

I don't mind being alone
Put it all up in smoke
Put it all up in smoke
(They'll understand, I hope)
She said I was interesting
That's interesting cuz I didn't say a thing
I can't pretend I know
Wish I could say I know

(I thought)

I thought we had days so long
I blinked and they were gone
But we all have to move on
Can't bring it into tomorrow
I only know my shadow
I used to think I knew them all before
That was way before I cracked the code
That was way before I had a soul

(They'll understand, I hope)

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