Linear Clothesline

The only way to step forward is to take it to the side
That's at least what she told her back in the summer of '95
Cause she was sneaking around too much
And she was going out to parties
She was having a lot of fun
And maybe too much fun
She met this guy
Anyway, got into a lot of trouble
The fact is, it was hard on her
It was hard on the family
It was hard on, jeez, the school
But the thing was
She was in love, right
Or so she said she was

She was smoking in the parking lot after school one day
She was flipping through this book of magic, right
This occult kind of stuff, anyway
This lady, she starts mumbling through some of the words
Got in trouble with the FBI
Little does she know
Because she says something that has never been said before
In the perfect way
That unlocked
The universe
And everything started unraveling
And so the parking lot is gone
The school is gone
There's only her
She's glowing bright blue
And the trees and the everything
Into this black hole

And it's going for your town
It's coming for my town
This is something called the linear clothesline
The linear clothesline
No one really knows how it works
As someone's moving forward

Writer(s): Matthew Parker
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