The Turk

Challengers from afar
Nearly everyone would fall
Ben Franklin to Napoleon
All came to take on The Turk

Black beard, grey eyes, a Turkish pipe, robe and a turban
A gift built to impress the empress
Von Kempelen's hoax, a game-playing automaton
Became a global fascination

Wood cabinets, brushed copper cogs and ivory
Concealed its secret inner workings
Magnetic force used to manipulate the minds
Nothing magical just misdirection

Challengers from afar
Nearly everyone would fall
Ben Franklin to Napoleon
All came to take on The Turk

Destroyed by fire in '54 wasn't its end
In many ways it was really the beginning
The long held secrets could finally be revealed
The enigma was to be no more

Hidden behind the machine-like gears and drawers
Candlelit cave for a chess master
A pantograph arm moved the pieces up above
Perfect grift choreography

The wonder it brought remains
More machines to automate
Telephones and power looms
Created thanks to The Turk
The mindfuck known as The Turk
Checkmate at the hand of the Turk

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