Curtain Call

And as the show comes to a close
And curtain call brings all us forth
A lonely face steals my attention
My body's filled with apprehension
I take my bow, the crowd applauds
But the lonely face saw all my flaws
And now it turned its back to me
Ashamed of what it sees

And after all this time,
You still won't see me eye to eye
Do you still even care?

I wish you'd just tell me why
You're acting so damn cold
I thought everything was resolved
Tell me what I can do
To bring me back to you
With all of my sins absolved

You know I'm scared to approach you
Thinking of that time when
I said I'd learn but
I ended up hurting you again
You said that actions speak louder than words
But I have nothing left to say
I'm a broken record
Can someone fix me please

I don't want this to end
Please just see me eye to eye
Don't become a memory.


Tell me was this all a waste?
The year we danced away
You're still here in my heart
But you're tearing me apart
Tell me was this all a waste?
The year we danced away
You're still here in my heart
But you're tearing me apart

I wish you'd just tell me why
You're acting so damn cold
I thought everything was resolved
Tell me what I can do
To bring me back to you
With all of my sins absolved

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