
Sometimes I'm still scared to be alone
It's just that my daddy sees things
Spending my days looking over my shoulder
I think it's hereditary

With my fists in a ball
Knowing I'm gonna run
When you're scared shitless all the time
You're fight or flight isn't quite foolproof
When even the bed bugs are too scared to bite

And who's the genius
At eight years old
Left me alone in the middle of the night with a
True crime show

Who knew that would turn me into the criminal
Breaking hearts and messing with minds
All so I don't have to walk home alone
I'll feel safe at first morning light

Every weekend me and my friends we
Smoke behind the bar
And we lay out our plans to move to big cities
Even though they're pretty far
Convincing ourselves we'll find what we're looking for
Somewhere way out there
Someday when we spread out on the map like fireworks
Will we still care

And we're all walking on a tightrope
High above death itself
We figured we'd take our chances
Believing we're in heaven when we're really in hell

Shitting on a town that's done nothing but love you
Ever since the day you arrived
And dad what I meant on the phone is I love you
And my life will be over the day that you die

Sometimes I dream about it and I
Wake up at 2 am crying
And that has to mean something
But I do nothing

After one too many
As a joke I'll lay down on the pavement
Babysitting a child in a woman's body
Stuck splitting myself in two
I'm missing you
And I'm missing payments
It's a miracle I pull through
But I do
Somehow I do

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