
Across the waters You waited patiently
A Prophecy to be fulfilled eventually
A place of plenty and iniquity
Would be in Your Manifest Destiny
Then slowly but surely - one by one -
Came their multitudes of daughters and sons
Leaving footprints of past track-a-thons
Aping migrations of hairy mastodons
Families - just like u and me
Do u see 'em now, criss-crossing the trees?
Absorbedly foragin' sustenance
All shufflin' in pairs of holey moccasins
Then others cam too over bittersweet seas
Men desperately to feed families
'How big the world be?' they went to see|sea
And to maybe make it new with a new family
Out of this spangles of humanity
Arose wars and deeds and fatalities
And hasty treaties and constitutions
And visions of a nation of shopkeepin'
Of tryptophan heaven every Thanksgiving
Do u see 'em now, carvin' up turducken?
A-person-to-person a-passing pumpkin
Hence penned a new dream did begin!

Dear America! - the free, the brave
From the sea to the cave came many a wave
Dear America! - the free, the brave
For a 'see', for a 'say', for a sunnier day
Dear America! - the free, the brave
From the sea to the cave came many a wave
Dear America! - the free, the brave
For a 'see', for a 'say', for a sunnier day

They called You God's Land, and penned You a hymn
Of Divine Providence, of siding with them
Of a-striding on high while abiding a whim
To widen the skies of the kingdom
The mighty growing pains as a newborn baby
Even got zapped by Your old sovereignty
The moral poverty, the destitution
When brothers slayed brothers at communion
Yet, they still came in waves and waves
Making they way from the shores to plains
And, some even say, resourcefully
Harvestin' every opportunity
For 2 sum'n years You kept Your beacon
Shining for the pining of lost brethren
Them huddled brethren, them weary sistren
Simply to breathe free again
And one of them huddlin' was urs truly
By the window, holding seat tightly
With but a notion of his future nation
Of shipping containers from the Canton
You took me in by my commie moccasins
Weaned me off my worst inclinations
Let them see me now, in these conditions
Freely fannin' my ambitions!

Dear America! - the free, the brave
And the me who You saved from an earlier grave
Dear America! - the free, the brave
Do u see 'em now, baling up all the hay
Dear America! - the free, the brave
And the me who You saved from an earlier grave
Dear America! - the free, the brave
Bee-linin' straight to my payday!

You became known as Benevolent Hegemon
The d*k-sticker, the sh*t-off-fan picker
The pontificator of global missions
Some kinda imperial incarnation
The loose cannon, the unilateran
Always questionin' Your own ambition
While pressin' soldier boys into submission
Generous with a wide standard deviation
And I know I can never fully repay You
But my plan is to show You that I know You
And to GO 'til they know that they owe You
But let's also while we still got time
Concede that You may be going mastodon
A house divided of itself CANNOT stay strong
Not even a Monument to E PLURIBUS UNUM
So I guess it's up to us now - We the Living -
We who can still do practically anything
Everything will be alright if we HOLD ON
The Show must go on, let it go on!
Well, we said we'd get the job DONE and PROUDLY
So, here comes another one of 'em melodies
DO YOU HEAR ME NOW, allegin' loudly
To the Hallowed Halls of this Spangley Hegemony!

Dear America! - the free, the brave
From the sea to the cave came many a wave
Dear America! - the free, the brave
For a 'see', for a 'say', for a sunnier day
Dear America! - the free, the brave
And the me who You saved from an earlier grave
Dear America! - the free, the brave
Your Prophecy runnin' out of steam

Your Prophecy runnin' out of steam (repeat)

From Dallas to Denver and onto Reno
Through the vast wise Midwest interior
Get stuck a bit in the Big Apple
But never stray from the rays of Orlando
Dear America!

Writer(s): Victor Yang Gao
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