Terms of Use

The material provided herein does not
Constitute sound financial advice
All forward looking statements expressed herein are purely speculative
And not intended to be taken factually
Past performance, aka non existent
Is not indicative of future results
Nor does it contain any moral, political, philosophical
Or sociological statements whatsoever
Though it may contain tautological ones
All statements have been completely and thoroughly
Scrubbed of all expletives in at least 6,243 languages
Although none can be guaranteed to be of
Sound grammar or usage - in any language
This product has not been shown to be effective
In treating any disease, including, but not limited to
Amnesia, brain fog
Constipation - anal or verbal -
Diarrhea - oral or rectal -
Malaises of the heart, or any other psychosomatic malady
Please consult your local witchdoctor for more information
This product is not suitable for certain subpopulations
By pressing play, you hereby declare that you do not
One, have a short attention span
Two, lack excess capacity or motivation for follow-on contemplation
Three, harbor antipathy for traditional lyrical and rhapsodic forms
Four, want to doze off to odes of t*ts and a*
Five, have any specific bone to pick
Or, Six, are otherwise encumbered by any preexisting condition
Interest, or preconceived notion
This product is not intended to be
Consumed with certain substances, such as
Stimulants, sedatives, psychoactives
Hallucinogenics, and or dissociatives
As such contraindications may result in adverse side effects such as
Spontaneous cerebral combustion and or
Permanent loss of psychosocial homeostasis
GEO and affiliates fully reserve their respective rights
Not to be canceled by any culture, subculture, forum
Government, or broadcaster within 100 light years
Of the date and place of its publication
Please consult your local bandido and or bandida
And or bandidx for more information
The numbers 20, 2020, and the English words
'Next', 'me', 'sub', and 'we', are hereby copyrighted globally
And in perpetuity by Vigeo Creative LLC
As well as any word containing 'GEO'
As a prefix, infix, suffix, or conjugative declension
Any infringement in any jurisdiction will be
Prosecuted to the fullest extent permitted by law
All persons, places, and events referenced herein are
Purely fictitious - figments of an overactive imagination
And any resemblance to real persons, places
Or events are purely coincidental
By double tapping on your nose - or simply remaining silent
You hereby give us your absolute, irrefutable agreement in perpetuity
Not to engage in evil conduct with any material
In this work incorporated by reference
And hereby declare your total, futile, muti-modal
Acceptance of all of the above Terms of Use
And any other terms which may be introduced
For any purpose, including for no purpose at all
Thank you for your cooperation
Now go forth and make your own f*king record
And don't forget to breathe!

Writer(s): Victor Yang Gao
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
