
Hey come on let's go to the beach
And take a breather
Siéntate, respira que aquí estoy
Tell me everything on your mind
Cuénteme lo que cenaste ayer

Come on with me and be still
Quédate aquí
Be still
Quédate aquí

Hey come on let's go to the beach
And take a breather
Siéntate, respira que aquí estoy
Tell me everything on your mind
Cuénteme lo que cenaste ayer

Come on with me and be still
Quédate aquí
Be still
Quédate aquí

Oye vente vamonos juntos a la playa
Come and sit just like we used to
And talk it through
Cuéntamelo quiero saber
Tell me what you had last night for dinner

Quédate conmigo
Be with me
Be still
Quédate aquí

Be with me
Be still
Quédate aquí

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