Lady Vagabond

When I came into this world
I cut the silence with my howl
I was forged in the mountains
'Til the wheel brought me on down
The world never saw me coming
When it did, it started running
That's why time flies whenever I'm around

I made my great escape
In nothing but a bathing suit
They found me floating down the river
In the constable's canoe
Bobby wrapped me in a blanket
Said, "There's nothing we can do
For a little Lady Vagabond like you"

You can call me, I won't come
Call me Lady Vagabond
I came rolling down the mountains on the run
Call me Lady Vagabond

"Farewell 'til tomorrow, town!"
I hit the trail hard-nosed
I had no means to travel
But I knew where I was going
I had a vision of my Padre in his silver bolero
Constable chased me all the way to Mexico

You can call me, I won't come
Call me Lady Vagabond
Queen of the highway, Daughter of the sun
Call me Lady, Lady Vagabond

Oh, when the Turquoise Trail betrayed me
I was mighty low down
I set out to find myself an easy-living crowd
Vegas never saw me coming
But they should've started running
'Cause the money disappeared when I came to town

And you can call me, I won't come
I'm a Lady Vagabond
I'm the Queen of the "Neon Strip" and the "Midnight Sun"
Lucky Lady, Lady Vagabond, uh-huh

I got pinched for indiscretion
At a mighty intersection
Paid dearly for the lies I bought and sold
Every cage I ever rattled
Every chain I ever broke
Every dream of Happy-ever-after
Ever up in smoke

Well, I guess it's back to the wilderness I go

I fell into the canyon on a January evening
The mountains looked a mighty lot like home
I take the high road when I can
And when I can't I take a man
It sure as Hell beats sleeping all alone

You can call me, I won't come
Call me Lady Vagabond
Queen of the Highway and the desert sun
Call me Lady, Lady Vagabond

Now if you look a little closer
At the lines upon my face
You'll see every road I drove
And every dream I ever chased
I've probably died a million times
My ghosts are kinda friends of mine
They ride along and hem my pride
The vestiges of all my lives
Sometimes they even give me good advice
So I never take the wrong exit twice

You can call me, I won't come
Call me Lady Vagabond
You can call me, I won't come
Call me Lady Vagabond
Queen of the highway, Daughter of the sun
Call me Lady, Lady Vagabond

Writer(s): Grace Potter
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